What do you mean by review essays?

Review essays are a type of essay that provides an evaluation and critique of multiple sources on a particular topic. It can be seen as a synthesis of different sources, such as books, articles, or other publications, that allows the writer to provide an overview and critical analysis of the topic.

If you mean a review is to assess, analyze or appraise. So you are right that is what you are supposed to do in a review essay. The purpose of a review is to evaluate or express one’s feelings about something or assigned topic. It is basically a person’s evaluation of what he/she is reviewing or analyzing.

The judgment of the writer must show confirmation of his/her opinions about the work i.e. the writer must be evident and confirmed while writing a review essay. A review can be formal or informal depending upon the assignment of the instructor.


The formality of the review is decided by whether it is an analysis, summary, or just a person’s reaction to a theme, topic, or idea. Usually, the reviews are written and are related to what an instructor wants to know how you feel about a movie, a concert, a book, a piece of art, or a particular work.

Thus reviews are written about the feelings of the writer centered on a movie, a concert, a book, a piece of art, or a particular work. Two steps are needed in review writing.

First, the reviewer must develop an argument and lines of reasoning about what he/she is reviewing. Second, the write-up of the review must be structured and organized. Thus a good and well-written review should clearly state the opinion of the reviewer about the work and why the reviewer feels the way he/she does while conducting the analysis.


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