Research Paper  on Adolf Hitler Entry into Politics

World War 1

After the end of World War 1, Adolf Hitler returned to Munich. Hitler had no formal education or career prospects, he tried to stay in the army for as long as possible. In July 1919 he was given the position of Verbindungsmann (intelligence agent) of an Aufklarungskommando (reconnaissance commando) of the Reichswehr, appointed to influence other soldiers and to infiltrate the German Workers’ Party (DAP). Continue reading further to learn more about the Research Paper on Adolf Hitler’s Entry into Politics.

German Workers’ Party (DAP) and Hitler

While keeping a check on the activities of the DAP, Adolf Hitler was attracted to the founder Anton Drexler’s anti-Semitic, nationalist, anti-Marxist, and anti-capitalist ideas. Continue reading further to learn more about the Research Paper on Adolf Hitler’s Entry into Politics.

Anton Drexler favored a strong active government, a non-Jewish version of socialism, and solidarity among all the members of the society. He was impressed with Hitler’s oratory skills, hence he invited him to join the DAP. On 12 September 1919, Hitler accepted Drexler’s invitation and became the party’s 55th member.

At the DAP, Hitler met Dietrich Eckart, who was one of the party’s founders and a member of the occult Thule Society. Eckart became Hitler’s mentor, sharing his ideas with him and introducing him to many people in the Munich society.

boost its appeal, the DAP changed its name to the National Socizalistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers Part- NSDAP). Hitler made the party’s banner of a swastika in a white circle on a red background.

In March 1920 Hitler was discharged from the army and commenced working full-time for the NSDAP. In February 1921 spoke to a large audience of over 6000 in Munich. In order to publicize the meeting, two truckloads of party supporters drove around the town waving swastika flags and throwing leaflets.

Hitler soon gained disrepute for his rowdy polemic speeches against the Treaty of Versailles, against Marxists, Jews, and rival politicians. During that time the NSDAP was centered in Munich, an essential hotbed of anti-government German nationalists aiming to crush Marxism and undermine the Weimar Republic.

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