”Emancipation of women”
Equality is the cornerstone of every democratic society that aspires for social justice and a community cannot progress if it does not guarantee equal rights to both sexes. In virtually all societies and spheres of activity, however, it seems that women are subject to inequalities. This situation is both caused and exacerbated by the existence of discrimination in the family, in the community and in the workplace. While the amount of discrimination, its causes and consequences may vary from country to country, the overall prejudice against women is widespread. It is perpetuated by the survival of stereotypes and is often dude to traditional, cultural and religious practice and beliefs that are detrimental to women.
Recent efforts to document the real situation of women worldwide have produced some alarming statistics on the economics and social gaps between men and women. Women are the majority of the world’s poor and the number of women living is rural poverty has increased by fifty percent since 1975. Worldwide, women earn thirty to forty percent less than men for doing equal work, while women is Asia and Africa worked thirteen hours a week more than men work and are mostly unpaid.
We live in a world in which women do not have basic control over what happens to them. Millions of women or girls, for example, are forced to marry men against their will, and are unable to depend on the government to protect them from physical violence in the home. Women is state custody sometimes face sexual assault by their jailers and when they are raped, they cannot protect themselves in courts, as they need four make witnesses to prove the authenticity of their statements. Laws such as these clearly illustrate a prejudice that a women’s word is not equal to that of a man.
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