Essay Topics

One of the most difficult parts of writing an essay is selecting good essay topics. In many instances, students select a topic that is not searchable on the internet or other sources making it extremely difficult to approach the writing process. Students have to be extremely careful when it comes to selecting a topic because it determines the whole process of writing an essay.

It affects the research process and of course, if the research work is not up to the mark it also affects writing. Sometimes students select outdated topics that have nothing to do with the present situation making it more difficult for them to come up with something decent and approachable. The purpose of this article is to provide you with some useful ideas as to how to select a good topic to write an essay. Below are some very useful points for you to consider.

Current Affairs

The best topic you can select to write an essay can be current affairs. Just log on to any news website such as or where you can find a number of things to write an essay. You can find information on current affairs related to politics, sports, health, the environment, global warming, or social issues.

There are other websites as well where you can find information on current affairs. You can google the keywords to find more information. The internet can give good ideas to write an essay on different topics.

Topics on History

You can write an essay on history topics such as the World Wars, British rule in India, the History of Egypt, and the importance of pyramids in Egypt. You can focus on the role of the United States in both World Wars. You can discuss the circumstances that forced United States to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What effects did these bombings have on the economy of Japan?

Topics on English

You can write an essay on English literature where you can focus on a particular piece of writing by a known author. For instance, you can focus on the different characters in the novel Wuthering Heights written by Emily Bronte.

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