According to WHO (2015b), diabetes remains to be a rising health concern globally, which has affected 9% adults and resulted in one and a half million deaths in 2015. Between 1990 and 2013, the mortality rates from diabetes in England have shrunk from 1.35 percent to 1.01 percent respectively; however, an increase of 2 percent in YLD and 1 percent DALYs has imposed a high burden on patients and NHS. Sedentary lifestyles and poor diet have further led to the increase in obesity, and thereby continue to increase the occurrence of diabetes globally. There will be 54 per cent increase in diabetes prevalence in adults by 2030. Making lifestyle modifications have been found to effectively reduce the risks associated with the development of diabetes from 31 percent to 58 percent. Consequently, diabetes prevention programmers have been introduced in Finland and USA. Similar programs are also being introduced in the UK based on these international models proven through empirical studies.
A study on the diabetes prevention programme in the US was conducted between the year 1996 and the year 1999. The study examined three interventions: metformin, placebo and intensive lifestyle modifications.
The study found that after three years there was 58 percent higher risk reduction in lifestyle modification group as compared to the metformin and placebo group (DPPRG, 2002).
Similarly, a study in Finland compared individuals with high obesity and glucose level enrolled in either lifestyle modification arm or control arm with no intervention. The study found a 30 percent reduction in diabetes risk in the lifestyle modification group.
multiple but relatively modest changes in lifestyle, which include dietary changes and weight loss as well as increase in LPTA can reduce T2D risk by 58% in patients with IGT, i.e. impaired glucose tolerance.
In England, the NHS DPP will be implemented through a joint venture between NHS England and PHE (Public Health England). The programme aims to adopt evidence based practice so that T2D can be prevented, the vulnerable group can be supported, and the risk of developing any dangerous complications can be reduced.