Sample Essay

Museums are usually considered to be real and people who are interested in the field of arts or humanities are more inclined in visiting museums. With the advent of modernized era museums are changing and their existence is changing through time. Museums are available on the internet and people can see their desired paintings and portraits without visiting the real museums.

Mark Harden’s Artchive is one of the best virtual museums available on the web. The website gives a detailed description of art, sculpture and the elements related to arts and paintings. Although there are numerous paintings, portraits, sculptures and artifacts available in the museum but the best work in this museum is the sculpture “coffin for a sacred cat”. The sculpture depicts the Ptolemaic period and its height is 27.9 cm.  This cat is black in color and it depicts the ancient Egyptian period. The sculpture is beautifully designed and even a common man can see each and every detail in that sculpture. The sculpture is quite old but all the elements like the body, eyes, feet, tail, head etc are properly created and it seems that it’s a real cat. The shape of the body is well structured by the artist and the tail is properly twisted which gives a real look to the sculpture. Thus, in my opinion this sculpture “coffin for a sacred cat” is the best sculpture and the best work available in this virtual museum (Harden).

The layout of the website is quite simple and a visitor can easily navigate in this website. It is one of the most comprehensive museums available on the web. The website includes galleries, theory and criticism, CD ROM reviews, art links etc. As a visitor one can easily search the galleries and can easily see its desired paintings, sculptures and artifacts. Since the layout is quite simple and it’s very easy to navigate in the whole museum. Not only art related elements are available in the museum but detailed text about painting, artifacts and artists can easily be accessed.

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