Sample Essay

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Another aspect that I found so outstanding about this individual was his genuineness. Be it dealing with his employees or customers, he always believed that trust, integrity and sincerity were essential to all business relationships and could not be compromised on any condition. In addition, he never let himself fall prey to the popular view; he spoke against the status quo and made it clear that whatever had to be done, the welfare of the masses could not be compromised; it is for this reason that he began a ‘bank for the little guy’ after disagreeing with the board of directors at the Columbus S&L (Savings and Loan).

His drive to do the right thing led him to invest in various ventures in the wine and movie industries and in the Golden Gate Bridge (; it is hard to imagine what the world would have been without either one or all of them.

Above all, A. P. Giannini had confidence in his own abilities: when the poor man was illiterate about how to avail the services of a bank and all the banks ridiculed his idea of doing business with anyone but the elite. He went to the extent of going from house-to-house to educate the poor man about how to save and borrow; in doing so he convinced them to become his customers. This also shows a revolutionary way of one-to-one marketing– an idea that was never employed by the banking industry before this.

Like most entrepreneurs, Giannini wanted to take the risks as he knew he would be foregoing great rewards if he never tried his hand at an opportunity. I picked up an interesting quote in an article on the biography ( of A. P. Giannini, it quotes him having said the following:

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