Sample Essay

Although trade promotions are done at quite a minimal level but the strategy that is used for trade promotions is that suppliers and distributors would be offered gift items and the purpose of offering these gift items is to manage them effectively and to ensure that good are delivered to the retail stores on time.

6.1.5 Package design

The package that is designed for the delivery of groceries is made up of paper and plastic and a big blue ribbon is placed on every package. This strategy ensures that brand name prospers. The package of blue ribbon groceries focuses on blue colour and it’s transparent in nature.

6.2 Personal Selling

Personal selling can be used by the organization but in a very limited context and individuals can market the brand name to different distributors and sell the brand to different suppliers and distributors.

6.3 Evaluation

Marketing and selling the product is considered to be an important element but in the case of online grocery stores this phenomenon is not given importance. Emphasis is laid on trade promotions and the channel members in the initial phase are offered certain gifts like key chains and watches and blue ribbon groceries try to motivate the channel members with this approach.

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