Sample Essay
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system had been created to help the children with the conditions mentioned above. Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system is based on the scientific assumption of the human behaviour. Moreover, this system has its 4 core features which analyzes and focuses to the basic problems which are faced by the students at risk and the solutions that are productive and effective for the treatment of these children. First is the application of behavioural science which means that this system is the mixture of scientific subjects through which the behaviour of students specifically of the 7th and 8th standard can be identified and analysed through this feature (Sailor, Dunlap, Sugai & Horner, 2008).
The second feature of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system is the practical multi-component interventions. This is followed by another important feature of the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system that is lifestyle changes. As the ecological position (i.e. migration to some other country) and circumstances are changed, this also changes the behavioural activities. The last and the most important feature of the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is the change in the system. This means the change in the social affairs of the family which affects the children at home and their behaviour at school (Sailor, Dunlap, Sugai & Horner, 2008).
There are some institutes in the Positive Behaviour Support system which give training to teachers and the professionals in order to facilitate the number of individuals using the PBS system. These institutes help in the understanding of the behaviours of children. A renowned institute of the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system is Kansas Institute of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system. Another institute for the Positive Behaviour Support PBS system is the May institute which facilitates the schools with a wide range of professionals who train the teachers in the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system. This is important for the schools.
Apart from the institutions who train professionals for Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system, there is an extensive list of the schools which are using; are currently applying the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system at a regular basis. Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system is working as the tool to help the children at risk. The most active strategies of this support system are used by the University of Delaware. The use of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system leads to the creation of a soft and smooth environment which provides a social, academic and emotional development and the key factors in the environment (Delaware, 2009).
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