Sample Essay
In time, the plight and livelihood of the Afghan interpreter became researcher’s locus of edifying curiosity of interpreters’ livelihoods, educational backgrounds and distinct identities whose national experiences and choices are drawn from cultural patterns, motley of beliefs, social values, and educational conscientiousness which may form part of cognitive structure that contains expectations about a human group (Hamilton & Trolier, 1986). As hired translators, they were introduced and have worked on the bases of trust and confidence with members of ISAF who also came from diverse nationalities, and apart from their mandates, are also possessing distinct patterns of culture, education, social awareness and values.
As a parallel state, the Headquarters International Security Assistance Force (HQ ISAF) is geographically located in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan—definitely a place distinct for ISAF’s mission. This interestingly provides an avenue of multi-cultural discourse between ISAF and translators and/or interpreters in spite of evident categorization of the actors’ identity; hence, self-relevant information in the interaction may have affective and motivational sequence (Smith, 1993). The detailed personal account of the subject of this study fundamentally consist of making choices within the context of cultural, social and educational value and thus, expectedly reflects the course of interpersonal lived experiences of a particular society. This study which may contribute, in understanding, anthropological and social discourse or interaction will be anchored on the narration and the extracted experiences of an Afghan translator/interpreter. The role of the researcher will be facilitative in the process of interactions (Poggenpoel & Myburgh, 2003) and in understanding Afghan people and societies to allow for analysis and exploration of an individual’s life mainly because Afghan translators/interpreters have collective but diverse and uniquely distinct experiences, upbringings and educational backgrounds.
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