Sample Essay

The Facebook site works through maintenance of use profiles, group pages and may other categories of information pages. Each user logs-in to the website and maintains his or her profile which contains information about the user as well as a number of applications that the user chooses to use from a collection of applications available. These applications are used to perform different tasks by the user which includes listening to music, sharing of websites and other media as well as other activities that could be of use.

The users can also join groups to receive information or discuss particular objects or personalities as well as become fan of something to show their interest to other as well as increase their knowledge about it. One of the most common applications that are present on almost all Facebook profile is the Wall. This wall can be used to post messages as well as links to other websites which can later by accessed by the user who owns the Wall. Furthermore, the interface of Facebook  website, allows for easy access to most used application, while the feed feature of the Facebook, keeps the user updated date with the activities related to applications in use, groups as well as fan pages that the user has joined (HowStuffWorks).

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