Sample Essay

The committees that are formed play an important role in ensuring that everything is done on time without letting any accidents occur. In a work place with more than 20 employees, it is necessary to form a workplace health and safety committee. This committee has so many duties including:

  • To deliberate any health and safety concerts: Whenever there are complaints about certain aspects in the workplace, this committee will keenly study complains to determine their authenticity. If they are indeed found to hold water, they will immediately institute ways of trying to correct the problem.
  • Undertake all investigations and inquires: In situations that matters of concern to employees’ health are raised, the committee will play a lead role in ensuring that the issues are appropriately dealt with. This will assist with coming up with most suitable solution to address the issues (Barnetson, 2010). The findings of these investigations would play an important role concerning the next course of action.

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