Sample Essay

However, there are different policies of Japan and of the most important policy of Japan is that their national and international strategies are unified. They can be definitely regarded as the leaders of the world as far as the technological advancements are concerned. In the similar manner another point arises that how to appeal great point of technology to the entire world (Hornyak 2006). Therefore, in this regard it can be said that viable steps are taken by the government of Japan which are related to the promotion of these technologies. Besides, that organizing mega events and developing international exhibitions is another major promotional strategy of Japan that is benefitting them and the world in both the short and the long run. These ecological technology of Japan would not only save the world but it also have a positive effect on the overall image of Japan that they are more concerned about the climate and natural habitants of the world.

Thus, it can be concluded that Japan is the current leader of the technological race and in the long term strategists and analysts through proper research depicts that Japan would remain the leader of the world in terms of technology. However, this country is progressing in other fields as well but through research it is evaluated that technology is their main competitive advantage and this country have the tendency to sustain it in both the short and the long run. Furthermore, Japan should form bonds in the technological development with other countries in the same region so that all these countries can easily control aspects of global warming, extinction of species and other related aspects that can harm the entire world in the near future. Besides that it should be kept in mind that strategies should be developed in coordination with all the major players of the world. All in all it can be easily said that with the advent of modern technologies which even includes environmental friendly cars, ecological plants and fruits, high speed computers Japan is the leader of the world when it comes to technological advancement. Although they have diverted their attention towards the world and their current strategies are focusing on the ecological aspect of the world. They should develop a strategy that all the major players of the world should be connected with each other in order to save the world from the horrors of global warming, extinction of species, etc.

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