Sample Essay

Macro environment

A legal body that is attached with the bowling is Australia is known as “Ten pin bowling Australia Limited”. The role of this body is to measure the lanes of bowling and to develop competition between local and international players (Rogers, 2008). Bowling alleys in Australia must comply with the rules of this body. The economic trend of Australia is good and the GDP of this country is increasing that is the reason why companies can invest in this country as the people are ready to invest in recreational activities. Usually young adults are attracted towards the game of bowling and both men and women can easily be targeted through effective marketing techniques. Certain technological factors are associated with this sport like online scores, screens in the bowling alleys and etc.

SWOT Analysis


  • Strong understanding of the technology.
  • Strong relationships with the major players of the world.
  • High quality services offered at all the arenas.
    • The startup cost is high.
    • The brand equity is difficult to generate.
    • Competitors have the major market share.
    • TP bowling is participating in a highly growing industry.
    • A separate bowling club for the upper class is missing in Melbourne.
    • The fixed cost of the organization can be spread over an increasing revenue base.
    • Customers might not respond positively to a new service.
    • The brand name is not known in Australia therefore customers might not switch to another brand.




Goals and Objectives

The objective of the TP bowling is to develop a family oriented environment that would target the niche market. The core objective is to grasp the market share and to implement certain strategies that would enhance the customer base and create customer awareness.

Financial objectives

  • Cover the fixed cost as soon as possible.
  • Increase the revenue per customer by 3% every quarter.
  • The steady sales growth must be maintained.
  • Increase the market share in every quarter.
  • Decrease the customer acquisition cost by 1.5%.

Marketing Objectives

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