Sample Essay
2008 2007
$ Millions $ Millions
Cash Flow from operating activities 1,399 618
Cash Flow from investing activities (1,321) (383)
Cash Flow from financing activities 326 (86)
Net increase in cash during the year 404 149
The noncash items in investment and financing activities during 2008 was $248 million for acquired convertible debentures and for 2007 it was $21 million for equipment acquired under capital lease.
The net income for 2008 is $867 million and cash flow from operations in 2008 is $1,399 million and the difference between these two amounts is $532 million. The net income for 2007 is $564 million and cash flow from operations is $618 million and the difference is $54 million.
The largest inflow of cash in investing activity was provided from Sales and maturities of investment which was $326 million in 2008.
The largest amount used in an investing activity for 2008 was $927 million which was used for acquisition of Komag Incorporated.
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