Sample Essay

The technological integration of the world is changing and different countries are adopting new and modernized methods of adapting to these changing scenarios. The past depicts that countries like United States, United Kingdom and certain European countries were considered as the technological giants but in the current scenario countries like Japan, China and India are labeling themselves as the technological power houses. These counties are growing slowly and steadily but immense emphasis on technology results is benefiting them in both the short and the long run (Greene 2006). This paper analyzes the technological aspects of Japan and will Japan be able to take the leadership of the world as a technological country.

In the similar manner the elements of economic crisis are discussed that how countries are suffering from the economic crisis and what is the stance of Japan in these economic crisis. Furthermore, the new technological aspects of Japan are discussed and how ecological efforts are initiated by Japan to survive in this world. However, Japan has a lot of dependable technology there are two main aspects of that are discussed in this paper. The first one is how Japan is using their technology to contribute in the world society while the second is how they are appealing the world with these technologies.

Japan is usually considered as the center of establishing modernized technologies for the past few years. This country has progressed itself and it is considered as a leader in advancing technologies. (Nakayama and Goto 2001) Analysts and strategists actually believe that this is because of the involvement of Japan’s government which has stresses a lot on research and development facilities in the country. Different organizations and research and development centers are introduced by the Japanese government which is solely engrossed in developing modernized and environmental friendly technologies. In the similar manner there are different government funded agencies in Japan and it can be said that the environment of Japan is technologically friendly because it easily embraces the technological innovation in the society. Different agencies are extensively working in Japan for the purpose of developing new and modernized technologies for customers around the world (Herstatt and Stockstorm 2005).

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