Sample Essay

One of the most basic benefits of appraisal is that in the corporate world it offers a chance of coordination between supervisor and the subordinates. They can discuss their issues and can have a one-to-one discussion. Supervisors and subordinates have reported positive and beneficial experiences in the exercise of performance appraisals (Berry 2002). Appraisals offer the organization a valuable opportunity to concentrate on work related activities. It stresses on correcting the existing problems and encourages better future performance. The performance of the entire organization is enhanced by performance appraisals.

For certain employees the only official appraisal interview can be considered as the only time they get an uninterrupted access to their supervisors (Grote 1996). The performance appraisal interviews and different methods help the employees a lot and they create a sense of self belief in them. That is the reason why many organizations stress a lot on performance appraisals and they must not underestimate the interaction of supervisors and subordinates (Falcone & Sachs 2007).  Besides that there are certain benefits of performance appraisals that are listed below:

  • Motivation and Satisfaction
  • Training and Development
  • Recruitment and Induction
  • Employee Evaluation

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